Monday, August 4, 2008

Keep Left, Pass Right!

To those of you on the fast lane I say, La Vida Loca! and to you on the left lane (notice that I don't say slow lane) Aluta Continua! It takes guts, strength and determination to stay on course and see your way through...I hope you realise that Im not talking about driving, but about life.

When driving, the road says 'Keep Left, Pass Right'. Im often on the left lane, seeing the nice cars zooming past in a hurry to wherever. I would stay on this left lane, and wish I knew where they were rushing to, maybe there is something to grab at the end of the road! but is there?

'Keep Left, Pass Right', thats the philosophy that I chose to live by. If you are in a hurry to get somewhere, have a nice ride, I'll find you there. There is enough room to go past. I chose to take my time and do things my way. If it means losing out on the fun, then tough. I can't keep up with those zooming past because Im busy tryin to navigate my way through, its a struggle, but I'll get there anyhow. There is no shame in remaining behind when your peers are a few miles ahead of you.

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